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Inscríbase ahora para el año escolar 2024-2025
Si le interesa inscribirse para el actual año escolar 2024-2025, pase por la recepción para completar una solicitud. Actualmente, la inscripción está abierta para el año escolar 2024-2025 en Delano y Lost Hills (nivel preescolar – 12vo grado).
Ventana de inscripción: 2 de Octubre 2023 hasta el 12 de Enero del 2024.
¿Preguntas? Contáctenos para obtener más información:
Transporte gratuito a Delano desde Earlimart, McFarland, Shafter, Wasco y Pixley. Nuestro escuela en Lost Hills también proporciona transporte gratuito para estudiantes de Blackwells, Wasco y en todo Lost Hills.
When is Open Enrollment?Open Enrollment runs from October 2, 2023 through January 12, 2024.
What do I need to submit to enroll my student at Wonderful College Prep Academy?Interested families need to submit an Intent to Enroll form for each student by January 12, 2024. Intent to Enroll forms can be accessed online at, or the front desk of each of our schools. Intent to Enroll forms may be: Submitted through SchoolMint Dropped off at the School's front desk Families will be able to attend one of our Open Houses (either virtual or in-person) to view our campus and meet with our team to learn more about our Academy schools. Dates will be announced on our Academy website, through your schoolmint account, and on our facebook page:
What if there are more Intent to Enroll forms than there is space for students in a grade level?A public lottery will take place if we have more Intent to Enroll forms than seats in a specific grade. Public lottery dates are as follows: WCPA Lost Hills Campus February 6, 2024 Grades: TK-12 14848 Lamberson Ave Lost Hills, CA 93249 (661) 797-2220 WCPA Delano Campus February 7, 2024 Grades: TK-12 2070 Veneto St Delano, CA 93215 (661) 721-2887
How does the lottery work?WCPA will identify the grade levels for which a lottery will be required. For the grade levels where we have more applicants than seats, WCPA will identify students that meet the enrollment priorities outlined in our charter. WCPA will notify the families of interested students two weeks before the lottery by mail.
What are the enrollment priorities?The order of priority is as follows: Siblings of currently enrolled WCPA students Children of WCPA full-time employees Children of the Wonderful Company and its affiliates’ employees and children of organizations engaged in similar agricultural operations District residents (Delano or Lost Hills, depending on which school you are applying for) All other applications Contact school office at (661) 721-2887 for Delano or (661) 797-2220 for Lost Hills if any priority preference information changes prior to January 12, 2024.
How is the waitlist determined?Once the maximum capacity has been reached for each grade, the remaining student names (or assigned numbers) will be drawn and then placed on a waiting list in the order in which they are drawn. Students on the waiting list will then be notified by mail immediately if a space becomes available.
What happens if I submit my child’s application after open enrollment ends?If the grade level you are applying for is at maximum capacity, your student will be added to a waitlist based on priority for the 2024-2025 school year. If and when a space becomes available, you will be notified by mail regarding your student’s admission.
What happens after I am accepted?You will receive notification shortly after the lottery if your child(ren) have been admitted to Wonderful College Prep Academy. That communication will include information about when and where you can pick up your enrollment packet and what needs to be turned in for each student. Once notified, you will have two (2) weeks to submit your enrollment packet. If the complete enrollment packet is not submitted within two (2) weeks the student’s spot will be forfeited and given to the first student on the waitlist.
What happens if my student is not accepted?Families who are on the waitlist and not accepted throughout the school year must reapply each year during the open enrollment period. Please contact the school office the following school year to determine when that window will be.
Notice: Charter School Complaint FormA charter school shall not discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil or because the pupil exhibits any of the following characteristics: Academically low-achieving Economically disadvantaged (determined by eligibility for any free or reduced price meal program) English learner Ethnicity Foster youth Homeless Nationality Neglected or delinquent Race Sexual orientation Pupils with disabilities A charter school shall not request a pupil’s records or require the parent, guardian, or pupil to submit the pupil’s records to the charter school before enrollment. A charter school shall not encourage a pupil currently attending the charter school to disenroll from the charter school or transfer to another school for any reason (except for suspension or expulsion). This notice shall be posted on a charter school’s Internet website and a charter school will provide copies of this notice (1) when a parent, guardian, or pupil inquires about enrollment; (2) before conducting an enrollment lottery, and (3) before disenrollment of a pupil. Complaint Procedures: In order to find out more information on how to submit a complaint, click here.
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